I am not sure this is a bug. Right now I am trying to establish why I am seeing unexpected behaviour from data produced by tippecanoe.
The backstory is that I am piping the entirety of the Who's On…
In the 2022-11 meeting of the UN Open GIS Initiative. It was suggested to work with DWG6 and Field Missions.
Meanwhile, PMTiles v3 was released. It would be promising to introduce PMTiles technology…
Need to support .mbitiles files as another available backend
leafletLayer works, but RasterLayer fails without an error
#map { height: 500px; }
var map = L.map('map').setView([55.687345, 12.597280], 13);
// L.tileLayer('h…
1. kuwanauchi に取り込みきれていない地図XMLデータについての報告を複数いただいています。
2. 2023-02-03のイベントでも、更新についてのコメントを得たところですが、今後 kuwanauchi にデータ追加などの更新をかける場合に、下流プロダクトにうまく更新を反映させるプロセスについて理解を共有できたらと思います。
3. amx-a の場合は作業は単純で、その都道府県の…
It'd be great if I can configure options using environment variables to have deployments be easily managed via docker, etc.
I tried to convert different sources into **pmtiles** without success. The conversion works fine without any errors but the generated **pmtiles** are not working.
### Step to reproduce
How can I compile and run `go-pmtiles` on Ubuntu? I would like to mess around a bit with the source code...
FOSS4G 2023 Prizren に、Smart Maps コミュニティから一人でも多くの参加者を出そう!という話題です。
Wanted to reference issue by @nmarchio here https://github.com/Matico-Platform/pmtiles-utils/issues/2.
It turns out that the `conda` binary for gdal does not have the required parquet drivers, see …