**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
In Ubuntu, when dragging a folder containing the job config into the terminal running the admin console, it adds '-quotes to the fil…
"img[src!='qwe.gif']" gets transformed to "//img[not(@src) or
@src!='qwe[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' gif ')]']"
instead of "//img[not(@src) or @src!='qwe.gif']"
The quote_name function in models.py is grabbed from the default database
connection, this can cause problems when the default database is not the same
as the one being used. Not sure if this …
The quote_name function in models.py is grabbed from the default database
connection, this can cause problems when the default database is not the same
as the one being used. Not sure if this …
Freshdesk Ticket ID: 7 Freshdesk Ticket Agent: UnassignedFreshdesk Ticket Agent Email: UnavailableTicket Priority: LowFreshdesk Ticket Description:
I want to be able to ask for Ron Swanson quotes and have them spoken to me.
mad4j updated
5 years ago
When there are no paragraphs between two blockquotes, the blockquotes get merged into one. That alone is a problem for me (I sort content by blocks), but the biggest problem is, that not even any newl…
You're welcome to propose your own funny quotes!
Currently, we're accepting quotes exclusively in English.
Feel free to contribute and add some humor to FunnyQuoteLib!
When passing the kubeconfig to various kubernetes.core modules as a dictionary instead of a path, it contains sensitive data and should not be logged.
I've patched this in ou…
jnm27 updated
2 weeks ago