> _Originally submitted to [Google Code](http://code.google.com/p/robotframework-seleniumlibrary/issues/detail?id=134) by spielman... on 11 Sep 2010_
see above :) Is this intended?
> _Originally submitted to [Google Code](http://code.google.com/p/robotframework-seleniumlibrary/issues/detail?id=27) by @yanne on 5 Feb 2009_
Get Table Cell Value
Table Cell Value Should Be
Get Tabl…
I had installed python to 'D:\Program Files\Python25', a path which
contains a blank.
When I tried to setup robot I got this error message:
D:\robotframework-2.0.4>python install.py install
Smart monkey testing is a method of doing stress testing in which the monkeys
know what state a program is in, as well as how to get from one state to
another, but otherwise, decisions are made …
When there is complex logic involved in the implementation of keywords
for selenium driven in-browser testing, (and perhaps you need to
access selenium api functions not implemented as SeleniumL…
Revision: 2.7b1
Type Command: java -Xbootclasspath/a:./Lib/dblibaray-1.0.jar -jar
robotframework-2.7b1.jar -d report test.html
Result: Importing testing library 'org.robot.database.keywords.Datab…
Robot Framework is already now pretty fast and the extra overhead it adds is
most often meaningless. If test cases are constructed from thousands or tens of
thousands low level keywords this ove…
@davisagli when using your branch and starting robottests
plone 4.1.4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./bin/robot-server", line 457, in
I have RF version 2.8.7 installed
When i install RIDE 1.4.0 i can import a remote library
When i install RIDE 1.4.1 i CANNOT import a remote library, the error given is:
20150817 16:24:58.769 …
_From @tisto on June 12, 2015 9:28_
Given a user 'John Doe' with the property 'usertype' = 'employee'
and a logged-in manager
When I create a virtual group 'Employees' based on the property …
tisto updated
9 years ago