So I'm not sure what I did wrong but this was generated with the metadata editor and it doesn't populate anything.
collection: Nintendo NES
shortname: NES
directory: /home/samm/Storage/Emula…
- [X ] I understand that [if I ignore these instructions, my issue may be closed without review](https://github.com/nrlquaker/winbox-mac#reporting-bugs).
- [ X] I made sure this is n…
To be tested/created for SAMMv2 (first with beta)
Here is the process https://github.com/OWASP/OWASP-Books/tree/master/TemplateBook
Basically it a combination of pandoc and make
### Expected behavior
Container should start normally
### Actual behavior
C:\Users\einom>docker start f96263b10996
Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/host_mnt/c/U…
We need an automated / CI markdown to PDF conversion of the file SAMM-v1.5.1.md located in
SAMM/Supporting\ Resources/v1.5/MarkDown/
The PDF file should be saved either in a new branch gh-pages or…
@pilbastex, palun testi tellimusvormi - et kas kõik töötab
@infokujur ja @MarkoVaik - kas küsimused sobivad?
some are cost(like zsad),
some are similarity(like samm)
the output of zsad confidence map, small value means the right disparity
the outout of samm confidence map, big value means the right dispa…
started by asking if OWASP provides this as a service (through the contact form). Case #00013177
I notice that `/lib/jekyll/post.rb` no longer exists in 3.0.0 as it did in 2.5.3?
What has replaced it as a number of plugins are now breaking when calling `class Post`.
- eggcaker/jekyll-org#13
- ht…