I'd like to request a function to be able to change the CRC calculation type for SX127x. Or at least the SX1276.
The existing "SetCRC" function is in the SX1278 specific library, so maybe it should…
I use Raspberry Pi 3 with RH0M301 (from RisingHF) to make a LoRa gateway with code from:
And my end devices is made by RF95 and a microcontroller.
I try u…
You support chipSX1276?
I'm trying to connect Objenious Network with a custom Kinetis KW2xd + sx1276 board.
The mote (APEUID, DEVEUID, APPKEY) is declared on the Spot Objenious backoffice.
I used pkg_semtech-lor…
Hi Sandeep,
Thanks alot for this, its appreciated. I've tried everything but can't get it to work! You are my last resort!!
I have two Arduino UNO R3's talking to each other via two LoRa's (duino…
Having taken the CircuitPython_RFM9x lib and heavily modifying it for my own applications, there are some general register settings that could be implemented to improve performance as well as some SX1…
Calling SX127x::getSNR() most often returns a value between 5 and 6. Every once in a while it'll return something outside that range, but very very rarely.
SX126x::getSNR() operates as it should.
Hi i'm trying tu use this library with waveshare lora hat (https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/SX1268_433M_LoRa_HAT) based on sx1268 chip but unfortunately Pi does not recognize it - i've changed ic_model:…
The test setup: LILYGO® TTGO ESP32 SX1276 LoRa V1.0 with BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor. No other sensors are connected. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32845370112.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311…
nepat updated
3 years ago
The logs of single_chan_pkt_fwd seems incomplete:
It seems to log only ERR. The complet…