I would like to request a new feature for the Js-Confuser library. While the library is highly effective in code obfuscation, I would like to suggest an additional feature that would further en…
Adding searching techniques binary and linear search in java
1. Histogram Equalization.
There are several different ways to quantify privacy. Entropy has been particularly prevalent in discussions around web-based fingerprinting. Other measurement techniques may be better or worse for ev…
It would be cool to have a section in the advanced tab that can let you choose which techniques that the seed will require you to do (at least once)
For the purpose of being able to make seeds that f…
see also #467
Request to add Sparse_ initialization similar tohttps://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.init.html#torch.nn.init.sparse_. I have gone through the official documentation of MLX but couldn't find the above in…
On AVX-512 systems, calling `extrema(x)` is slower than calling `maximum` and then `minimum`. Looks like we need to incorporate the same techniques from https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/30320 …