It seems any collections automatically get meteor insert / update / remove methods. Would be awesome to map those to the HTTP verbs
NOUNS : Max value is 3.63758615972639
Verbs : 3.25809653802148
It used to be possible to get a complete, straightforward list of all the
winetricks verbs with one simple command (--help), but command line users now
have to hunt through the capriciously-orga…
It used to be possible to get a complete, straightforward list of all the
winetricks verbs with one simple command (--help), but command line users now
have to hunt through the capriciously-orga…
It used to be possible to get a complete, straightforward list of all the
winetricks verbs with one simple command (--help), but command line users now
have to hunt through the capriciously-orga…
It used to be possible to get a complete, straightforward list of all the
winetricks verbs with one simple command (--help), but command line users now
have to hunt through the capriciously-orga…
It used to be possible to get a complete, straightforward list of all the
winetricks verbs with one simple command (--help), but command line users now
have to hunt through the capriciously-orga…
### Description
Standardize the cli client commands
- Create a Client 2.0
- Possible commands will follow the database structure more closely
- Each command will have a common set of "verbs" t…
// A) I don't know of another area that exposes their localization resources
// B) All of the methods need verbs; or to instead be properties.
public class LocalizationResources
- S3 class for DSVMs to encapsulate information
- individual methods for verbs instead of omnibus `operate`