@bleroy created:
Debugging routes is very difficult right now. We should have a tool that gives diagnostic information when a route is not found or when ro…
@sebastienros created:
Modules and themes can't be added dynamically in Azure. At the moment we should just don't distribute and enable the Packaging modul…
**hkui** created:
Also, when you specify the "Content types"-filter, it seems to be ignored. For example specifying "Image" still allows you to select a do…
@agriffard created:
In '/tags', every tags are displayed even the ones without contents published.
It should only displays the tags associated to contents…
**Sanction10** created:
It would be great if there was the ability to update all the modules at once rather than having to click install latest on each sep…
**Riix** created:
created new content type "HomePage". Added parts Body and Image. Saved. Now trying to open the Content link on the Dashboard, receive …
**TheMonarch** created:
After running Azure solution in debug mode, Mercurial sees these files as status = unknown. Please add to .hgignore:
@jetski5822 created:
a simple test.
try this locally logged off...
/admin?returnUrl=%2F = result - a Access denied page
/admin?ReturnUrl=%2F = resu…
**Describe the bug**
We have 3 stages in our pipeline. For some reason, some workitems are able to be moved to 1st stage and then they get stuck in that stage. We are not able to select them to deplo…
I've been trying to get the Jira work items going, but run into the following:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jbpm.process.workitem.jira.AddCommentOnIssueWorkitemHandler from [Module "dep…