When I use dependencies and import remapping within an Ape project, I get "File not found" errors reported in my import statements.
As per the [Ape dependencies docs](https://docs.apeworx.io/ape/st…
I personally have added
`sh "subl #{filename}"`
to my Rakefile's new_post task so that sublime editor will pop open with the new post when I create one. It would be cool if there was an official way…
For continuing discussions from https://github.com/awslabs/damo/issues/104
So just a couple thoughts. I was wondering if tinyfilemanager supports disabling the direct link feature entirely? I don't rlly understand how the program works so not sure how feasible that wo…
If I create a new workspace importing from git (this repo) I get the following error in applying the dev file:
Failed to create a workspace. Failed to create a new workspace from the devfile, reason:…
I included the following plugin in my project:
As the issue title says: I added the `PyPI:` key to a static library's recipe in addition to a `home:` key under the `about:` field, which doesn't make sense because it's not a Python package – and a …
It would be awesome if one could specify the jsonschema of a file via a modeline. I have a lot of schemata for JSON and YAML fles
the YAML extension supports this via:
`# yaml-language-server: $sc…
Current Config Variables look daunting and advanced. Find a better way to view variables while keeping them together with…
I dont get this card working completely.
The buttons (up, down and stop) are working fine, but the preset button doesn't work.
This is the card example code:
**type: "custom:shutter-row"