**Submitting author:** @prmoko (Paul Mokotoff)
**Repository:** https://github.com/ideas-um/FAST
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): JOSS-Paper
**Version:** v1.0.0
**Editor:** Pending
When I use dependencies and import remapping within an Ape project, I get "File not found" errors reported in my import statements.
As per the [Ape dependencies docs](https://docs.apeworx.io/ape/st…
### Q&A (please complete the following information)
- OS: n/a
- Browser: n/a
- Version: n/a
- Method of installation: online, npm
- Swagger-Editor version: "3.5.7/ge969b1b-dirty"
- Swa…
I personally have added
`sh "subl #{filename}"`
to my Rakefile's new_post task so that sublime editor will pop open with the new post when I create one. It would be cool if there was an official way…
When using markdown2Anki, users are likely to create different notes for different decks or note types.
This would, in practice, make it possible to define "note types" inside of markdown files, makin…
I dont get this card working completely.
The buttons (up, down and stop) are working fine, but the preset button doesn't work.
This is the card example code:
**type: "custom:shutter-row"
It would be awesome if one could specify the jsonschema of a file via a modeline. I have a lot of schemata for JSON and YAML fles
the YAML extension supports this via:
`# yaml-language-server: $sc…
As the issue title says: I added the `PyPI:` key to a static library's recipe in addition to a `home:` key under the `about:` field, which doesn't make sense because it's not a Python package – and a …
**Submitting author:** @mfsch (Manuel F. Schmid)
**Repository:** https://github.com/efpl-columbia/PointClouds.jl
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): joss
**Version:** v0.4.0