Hi, using your own data for training, after 180 epochs, the accuracy is relatively low, and the inference has no result.
bei91 updated
2 years ago
I want to compile this model for aws neuron, but in order to do it model must have to be torch jit traceable.
How can i achieve it?
# Update of the Test Result after Training 400 Epoch of PP-YOLOE s
Here is the latest comparison result:
Model | epoch | AP 0.5:0.95 | AP 0.5 | AP 0.75 | AP small | AP medium | AP large | AR s…
为啥训练到了60epoch时候,还是这个精度啊 ,降低flops至65M 左右
Evaluating mAP by pycocotools.
Saving ./runs/train/yolov6_face_66M_0705/predictions.json...
loading annotations into memory...
Done (t=0.11s)
creating in…
at file: yolov6/utils/figure_iou.py
line 62-68
when s_cw and s_ch both equal to 0 at the same time, it will cause Nan in the final loss
Though this situation seems rarely happens, I have engaged wi…
I want to test yolov6 model,where can I download yolov6 pretrained model?
I want to make large models onnx and tensorRT transforms and run them on video. I couldn't see the demo code. Could you help?