Would it be possible to add access control or private repositories that are only viewable to certain users?
This would essentially be like adding a Deploy key to a channel, but instead of a Deploy …
The chooser button for _Only interfaces_ and _Interfaces except_ are failing with an error in all Linux distros.
During the early stages of development, before getting around to implementing caching & API throttling, I inadvertently triggered a re-render loop on the frontend. This caused an excess…
Access to fetch at 'http://bff.product.example/oauthagent/example/session' from origin 'http://www.product.example' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access c…
There should be an option to only reply to edit commands to a specific user/role
Backend je sice od větve mhmp přepsán do TypeScriptu, ale stále běží na frameworku ExpressJS, což zaprvé není TypeScript first framework a zadruhé to podle mě není moc robustní framework ve smyslu vyn…
Hi there!
I am trying to implement a GraphQL server with Objection.js to handle database queries, and of course this library to build the GraphQL schema. And for security measures, some access cont…
We also need proper token management, therefore I suggest to build minimalistic OAuth2 server, which will allow people to log in in one place and use access_token across all other apps.
I've been reading up a bit on the Azure Functions, and I was wondering how we can control/prevent the Azure Function from accessing specific resources.
The documentation does mention authentic…