I've followed the example in the Reconnect sample. However, when I test failover some of the time I'm finding that I get a series of inputs which don't end with a reconnect.
Specifically, sometimes…
MongooseIM version: 4.1.0
Installed from: source
Erlang/OTP version: 23.1.5
I've configured mongoose to send amqp message to my rabbitmq server when a user send new message (for internal notifica…
Epic #462
As an SCS Operator, I want to be able to deploy RabbitMQ with TLS encryption enabled between the RabbitMQ cluster nodes so that I can have OpenStack services communication E2E encrypted.…
Is it possible to get this to run in a UWP app? You mention there is more work, what needs to be done? I can and am willing to write the code if you have an idea of what should be done.
## Feature
There is limited SSL/TLS support currently when connecting via RabbitMQ, see [Support amqps](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin/issues/1827). However, there are two limitations to the …
It should just work.
majek updated
10 years ago
## Why
Today, James requires management API rights to list mail queues.
- List of mailqueues can be heterogeneous across the cluster (especially in case of specialized instances)
- AMQP clien…
# Demo
- demonstrate device scanning
- demonstrate gateway deployment
## Tooling
- create quickstart to archetype converter
- migrate documentation of Camel components to GitBook #293
- try to migrate…
Copy from https://groups.google.com/g/rabbitmq-users/c/YipXsgD7XpM
We've setup the vhost tracing to queue all published messages into a separate queue. When consuming messages from said queue in do…
@FWinkler79 said:
I am using ...
**Spring Boot:** 2.2.0.RELEASE
**Spring Cloud:** Hoxton.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
**Sample project:** [here](https://github.com/FWinkler79/SpringCloudPlatform/tree/Issue-Spri…