1. タイトルよりも長いふりがながついているものがある
なつふくのしょうじょたちひろしましょうわにじゅうねんはちがつむいか 夏服の少女たち 固有名詞 TVスペシャル版 (1988/8/7)
2. このタイトルが本当に存在しているのか不明 (OVA版とタイトルが微妙に違っておりWikipedia…
coexe updated
7 years ago
### Before submitting your issue:
Enable debug logging in Medusa settings, reproduce the error (be sure to disable after the bug is fixed)
**Branch/Commit:** Develop
Hi @ratoaq2, should guess…
### Expected behaviour:
Nyaa should return results lower and higher than the quality setting.
### Actual behaviour:
Like stated in the title. Here is part of the log when I set quality: 1080p+. All…
###Expected behaviour
Script updates binaries as expected
###Actual behaviour
D:\www\nZEDb\misc\update>php update_binaries.php
Updating: 53 group(s) - Using compression? No [nzedb\Binaries:…
Episodes with S2 has inconsistent parsing issues. It works sometimes ie. "Gundam 00 S2" s0001e012 `"[gSS]_Gundam_00_S2_-_12_[86C24395].mkv"` seems to work, but mostly, S2 episodes get parsed to s0000e…
## 背景
本 Anime DB は,[README.md](https://github.com/anilogia/animedb/blob/master/README.md) でも述べた通り,文化庁による [メディア芸術データベース](https://mediaarts-db.jp/) の[アニメーション分野のデータ](https://mediaarts-db.jp/an/) (以下,単…
My `composer.json`:
``` json
"name": "anime-db/catalog-bundle",
"license": "GPL-3.0",
"type": "library",
"description": "The application for making home collect…
[Build log](https://travis-ci.org/anime-db/app-bundle/jobs/160656265).
It seems that this is not your problem, but it is not. The problem arises only on build release (`git push --tags`) and only on …
May i ask why there is no interface implemented for LiteDatabase and the partial LiteCollection ?
It would make testing so much easier.