Now python3.13-nogil has released:
For Ubuntu you can use the deadsnakes PPA by adding it to your repositories and then ins…
Link: https://supertuxkart.net/Main_Page
1. Install at command line on Debian 12 using apt
2. Copy the Ports Menu Entry for SuperTux to make a new one for Super Tux Kart
3. Change the …
|Wazuh version|Component|Install type|Install method|Platform|
| X.Y.Z-rev | Wazuh component | Manager/Agent | Packages/Sources | OS version |
Apt upgrade i…
xifi1 updated
1 month ago
### What happened?
## Description
While implementing the ebpf helm chart from https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/opentelemetry-ebpf/values.yaml
I configure…
My docker builds worked a few days ago but are now all failing during xrt package install on ubuntu 20.04
Err:1 https://packages.xilinx.com/artifactory/debian-packages focal/main amd64 xrt amd…
Error:android-apt plugin is incompatible with the Android Gradle plugin. Please use 'annotationProcessor' configuration instead
As a user/community member, I want to see some cheatsheets for apt/apt-get.
### Describe the bug
Denying and allowing topics via the configuration file does not work as expected for `zenoh-bridge-ros2dds`. In the minimal example setup below, even if explicitely denying a s…
_Please read the [prerequisites] to run scrcpy._
[prerequisites]: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy#prerequisites
_Also read the [FAQ] and check if your [issue][issues] already exists._
Steps to reproduce: type apt 1 d/31-02-00 fr/1200 to/1200
When the nonexistent date…