Вы не разобрались с тем, что нужно сделать. У Вас получилось обычное множество, хранящее объекты. А по заданию нужно сделать множество для фиксированного набора элементов, которое хранит не сами эти э…
# See:
# https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc194/submissions/20702049
class BITSet:
set[i] : 集合のi番目に小さい要素を取得 O(logN)
len(set) : 要素数 O(1)
set.add(x) : xを追加 O(logN)
I have found an interesting issue:
re> /[]*x/B,allow_empty_class
### 📝 Overall Description
assert check failed
### 🎯 Expected Behavior
public void testSizedEmptyBitVectorDontIntersectsItself() {
BitVector a = new BitVector(1024);
How about replacing the 0s and 1s with unicode symbols? For example,
or something like that? Probably looks way better ^_^
It's currently very easy to run away from battle. I'd like to see the following changes:
\- Can't run away while an attack is being executed (doing so messes up animation anyway and should …
Hey alpine linux team,
we are working in sustainable software engineering and specializing in open source energy measurement tooling.
We use the alpine docker image for a workload energy validat…
I'd like to see a small enhancement to the Wire library to allow I2C-
connected Arduinos to respond to the "general call" address.
It's sometimes useful to transmit data to multiple Arduinos at o…
I'd like to see a small enhancement to the Wire library to allow I2C-
connected Arduinos to respond to the "general call" address.
It's sometimes useful to transmit data to multiple Arduinos at o…
I'd like to see a small enhancement to the Wire library to allow I2C-
connected Arduinos to respond to the "general call" address.
It's sometimes useful to transmit data to multiple Arduinos at o…