1. Start the clojure REPL
1. Start the clojure server `(managed-server)`
1. Call the `stop` function (from either the LFE or Clojure API)
1. Watch the CPU jump to post 100%
It seems that stoppin…
Broken out from #87.
## Currently
There is no quick-to-digest summary of vulnerable dependencies.
I think an at-a-glance summary is very helpful.
Maybe you do too?
## What do others do?
I lo…
lread updated
3 months ago
If I use java classes generated from this proto file:
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
// Message with a repeated field of one type
message ResponseTypeOne {
repeated MessageTy…
**Describe the bug**
(Doom) Emacs + clojure LSP stops working when a directory with name `-` is in the project root.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to project root
Hi James, thanks so much for all the awesome work on Codox - and so many other libraries over the years! 🙏 🙏
No urgency, but when you get an opportunity would appreciate your input on this.
I au…
So the usual functions like `clojure.core/defmethod` and the like can be used. This will make Methodical a true drop-in replacement.
Need to figure out how this will work since `clojure.lang.MultiF…
:clj-spark boris$ lein run
2013-05-16 16:59:24,838 WARN api:1 - JavaSparkContext local Simple Job /Users/boris/github/spark [] {}
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang…
The generated project.clj file doesn't have `:output-dir` setting for cljs release build, and
`lein cljsbuild once release` fails without it:
~/hacks/omtest∴ lein cljsbuild once release
Doing this
(pyreq/require-python 'sklearn.datasets)
(def newsgroups (sklearn.datasets/fetch_20newsgroups :subset "all" :remove (builtins/tuple [ "headers" "footers" "quotes"])))
and …
I found another problem with `herolabs-apns`.
After calling apns feedback service, it leaves some resource open (probably, some connection), thus preventing graceful termination of clojure proce…