The class_weight parameter set different weights for misclassify that class. For example, in a 0/1 classification problem, if we set class_weight={0:0.95, 1:0.05}, then we can expect the classifier to…
Get slates going - blank slates, 5- free, 5+ cost, for companies and teams to work together. Can push to the main site if they like, afterwards, either in bulk or individually. Should be a default to …
## Мотивация
Система предоставляет достаточно необычный вид поиска. Пользователю изначально может быть не понятно что система может делать а что не может. Необходимо проилюстрировать работу системы …
don't think this is really necessary. it's about the ideas, not the people posting the ideas?
defaultdict(lambda: 0) and classofhello = 0 are recognized as function aultdict and class ofhello respectively.
I load the dataset with load_svmlight_file()
Xc, yc = load_svmlight_file("../ch.vec", ch_feature)
and then fit it with
nb = MultinomialNB()
nb.fit(Xc, yc)
And then the program cr…