In balloon example, the value of DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE is 0.9, whereas in nucleus and coco examples the value of DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE is set as 0. What is the use of it and how should its value…
你好,我用的是自己的数据集做单类目标检测,在测试时发现confidence都比较小,远小于0.5。我猜测可能是因为计算confidence loss的时候正样本很少(obj_mask),而负样本太多(nonobj_mask),这个情况我想大多数目标检测问题都会遇到,但是你这里好像没有考虑这个问题也能得到很好的结果。请问是为什么呢?
based on the attached graph, I would like to estimate the CATE for the variable 'komplex' (discret) on 'dlz_implementierung' (continuous) based on the treatment 'spm' (binary). From the data ge…
Hello! great integration, loving it so far....
The thing that im missing is a setting to establish a minimum confidence level, and that it dont save snapshots that dont rank above that minimum.
I'm using the Pose Estimation model for Android, I was wondering how I can get the confidence value from a body point?
I'm also using the iOS/CoreML model and it has a confidence value.
Issue: Unexpected return of confidence value 1
My understanding: When creating a TimeLogicAdapter with no additional parameters, the default positive and negative lists are applied. When hitting th…
My Bestmatch Logic Adapter is set as such:
"import_path": "chatterbot.logic.BestMatch",
"statement_comparison_function": "chatterbot.comparisons.leve…
Currently, we can suppress findings based on CVSS score, CPE and others but not based on confidence level which in turn is based on evidence collection. This will be a good to have feature.
I am trying to change the confidence level but conf.int.value gets ignored. Is there a workaround?
No matter what level I put, it gets ignored.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
I am using the vs 3 .net wrapper.
When I run the function Recognize it ocrs the image fine and I can get
the string.
I need the confidence level of each cha…