"I think the logo thing in the top corner should be AISafety.com. This logo thing communicates the name of the site. But “AI safety” is the name of the field, not the site. AISafety.com is the name of…
## Issue
- Render blocking
- Script not hosted on becausejulia.com (XSS issue)
- Sometimes times out which prompted me to write loading.js to handle loading states (also blocking)
- Written by 3rd…
### When you click the drink
I want to display it in a way that represents this `inspiration from dribbble`
![Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 10 54 06 AM](https://github.com/hubertle43100/minimal-ecomme…
Доб идея - это сайт для вдохновения и подборок полезных сайтов. Пока в понах ее совместить с основной
Какие есть сайты на эту тему
Какой функционал у них (в том числе какие фильтры)
главные конку…
- [x] create figma org
- [x] draft baseline wireframe
pages: [figma draft](https://www.figma.com/file/vzgDafVmbsFCwQceGT2SVx/%F0%9F%93%9A-shelves?type=design&node-id=3%3A460&mode=design&t=FuldXJIksx…
Hi, this isn't really an issue with vivus.js itself. I'm just looking for anyone who has advice on what I'm trying to do. If this is not the right place to post this, I apologise.
Currently new to s…
## Description
Create a Sidebar that includes the following:
- Home icon
- Dashboard icon
- Blog icon
- Collapse button
- User information
As a user, I want to be able to see which page (Home…
Let me start from the begining, when you enter paperwork, you are directely in the action, you arrive in the middle of your last documents, and .. thats it. I've seen poeple start paperwork and dont u…
## Description
Not able to customize the checkout
## Flutter Version :
Flutter 2.5.3 • channel stable • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
Framework • revision 18116933e7 (3 months ago)…