I am happy to help extend/fix this problem if someone can point me in the right direction.
Perhaps I misunderstand the implementation, but I am bumping into a problem attempting to reply in the cli…
Andi fails to generate a schema for this file: [Sample File](https://app.zenhub.com/files/192407200/6252834a-2d10-4d3c-8385-ed20bcdb6f10/download)
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a dataset
- Make it CS…
The following issue occurs with neovim, i can't speak for other editors.
We have issues when using this form of comments `` instead of this form ``
If we pass on the comment line every follow…
Feed the database with the demo users and load a `/:username` page in your browser. Have a look at the millions of SQL queries which are triggered by that page.
I am sure that there is a massive po…
## Issue
If I have two schemas that are related through a `many_to_many` relationship using a [Join schema](https://hexdocs.pm/ecto/Ecto.Schema.html#many_to_many/3-join-schema-example), I do not get …
I get this error every time Phoenix LiveReload recompiles my project's Elixir source files:
[debug] Live reload: lib/spp_web/live/admin/member_live/show.ex
Compiling 55 files (.ex)
warning: …
Here'll be the speakers lightning talks
Hi, i followed exactly the instructions on https://hubs.mozilla.com/docs/hubs-cloud-do-quick-start.html
The setup script says: `All set! Your hub will be available in a few minutes at https://hubs.my…
ivoba updated
2 years ago
On our recent projects we have used [Tachyons](https://tachyons.io/) to build rapidly the user interfaces.
At least for the first few sprints I think we could continue to use Tachyons while we are wr…
J'ai commencé aujourd'hui à mettre quelques librairies à jour, car on commence à avoir de la dette là dessus, et également des alertes sécurité ici:
- https://github.com/etalab/transport-site/securit…
thbar updated
8 months ago