How much use is a "_keep track of all the things_" App that _doesn't_ work offline?
This seems to be a... Parser / code gen problem
SSCCE (with core and html libraries)
import Html exposing (Html, text)
main : Html msg
main = text (toString (2^31) ++ " versus…
I've been looking for something like this for quite something time. ELM needs to be able to correctly sort using Intl. Thank you for starting this up. Do you have any instructions on how to …
import emitter from './emitter.js'
/* eslint-disable jsdoc/require-param-description */
* effects:
* ({ name, actions }, arg1, arg2) => Promise.resolve(123)
* …
cc: @rtfeldman :)
I have `./elm-stuff/packages/eticav/elm-pouchdb/1.05/` available.
In my elm-package.json has `"eticav/elm-pouchdb" : "1.0.0
I found that the package.elm-lang.org frontend perfectly solves the problem for which I have used this library. The type parsing code there might be helpful in this project.
Given : elm 0.18.0,
When : run command line as explained :
[master] 22:56:45-$ elm-make index.elm --output index.html
Then : Got the following error :
I cannot find module 'Models'.
### Is this a bug report?
### Environment
1. `node -v`: `v10.20.1`
2. `npm -v`: `6.11.3`
3. `npm ls create-elm-app -g` (if you haven’t ejected):
This plugin build has some errors on JDK 17
./gradlew build
Downloading https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-7.4-bin.zip