I want to crop face shap but I have no idea can you tell me ?
I was wondering if there was a pre-trained model available. I don't have the GPU to train the model itself and I'm new to all of this as well so I'm afraid of messing it up. I have several p…
If a player's body is too close to the webcam, they won't be able to perform the required poses. We should warn them to move back in an easy to understand way.
Detecting faces is great, but can be slow. I'd like to save the detections to an IndexDB and do some math on them when all are completed.
Is there a standard/easy way to do this? I've got a Dexie…
I run test_image.py and get the following error:
> /home/aj/repo/DFace/dface/core/models.py:8: UserWarning: nn.init.xavier_uniform is now deprecated in favor of nn.init.xavier_uniform_.
I trained based on your code, while the result is far lower than the paper, can you share your result?
Is it possible to do a liveness check and ensure that it is not a printed photo that the user is holding in front of a webcam?
I’ve got 68 landmark posistion information using dlib. Now I want to know their corresponding vertexs' index in 3DDFA 3D reconstruction pointcloud. Does anyone knows how it works? Thx!
Hi @TesseraktZero , Great Project first of all. Kudos
I see the palm rotation logic written here in this function, https://github.com/TesseraktZero/UnityHandTrackingWithMediapipe/blob/master/Assets/S…
What is the effect of your training?