While working with the toolbox plugin for ACA-Py (specifically moving it to using Askar by default instead of Indy), we've started encountering errors like these in our integration tests when using a …
AIP20 heavily uses [did:sov](https://sovrin-foundation.github.io/sovrin/spec/did-method-spec-template.html)
Find a way to generate did:sov in Kotlin.
walt.id already supports [did:key](https://doc…
Acapy can install a [plugin](https://github.com/bcgov/aries-acapy-plugin-redis-events/) that bolsters reliability on cloud deployments with a redis based persistent queue to manage incoming and outgoi…
The A2A (ACM) team ran into an issue authenticating with ACM using the new [accredited-lawyer-bcpc-dev](https://github.com/bcgov/trust-over-ip-configurations/blob/main/proof-configurations/accredited-…
After including this change: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript/pull/640
when being requested (as a holder/prover) attributes from 2 different credentials, that happen to use t…
Hi Team,
After issuing the credentials do we need to store the credentials explicitly using store api from acapy agent at holder end.
Please share some info on this.
As a developer, I want to run all the tests with the least amount of external dependencies, so that I can contribute to a small part of the framework without bothering about the rest so much and not b…
This [issue](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-askar/issues/91) on the Aries-Askar repository describes the blocker for implementing a one-to-one migration of the Indy-SDK `MultiWalletSingleTable` …
Is it possible to to run indy nods in docker swarm for multi host pool ?
The Getting Started Document
Lists several documents that are To Do items:
Request filling in. Es…