Please add a widget for the homescreen to quickly see what's currently printing and how much time is remaining for the print to finish.
You could also implement the Live Activity API on iOS and add a…
If you haven’t already, check out our [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/Expensify/ReactNativeChat/blob/main/contributingGuides/CONTRIBUTING.md) for onboarding and email contributors@expensi…
Will it support Android and iOS?
07/14 23:30:04: Launching app
$ adb install-multiple -r -t /Users/lanbo/Desktop/ionic-video-chat-3.0.1-bundle/ionic-video-chat-v2-3.0.1/platforms/android/app/build/intermediates/split-apk/debug/dep…
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai récemment décidé d'apprendre d'avantage le dev d'app mobile via le framework react-native de Facebook et du coup en test j'ai voulu développer une app pour Jarvis malgré que @O…
In my flutter app am using pusher_client and when i upgraded kotlin version of the whole project i got this:
The Android Gradle plugin supports only Kotlin Gradle plugin version 1.5.20 and higher.
:ru Интересно, есть ли вариант сбилдить под андроид?
可以支援 android 嗎?在原項目的 ijkplayer 是 android/ios 都支援。
這個項目在 android 也能用嗎?
Not sure why or how, but the logic to lock to portrait doesn't work on iOS. Here is the code. The _app.tsx file just has a blank dependency useEffect that locks it to portrait (I only want specific sc…