title: "Crosswalk"
author: "Kendelle B…
Just for convenience, I created a [new repo](https://github.com/KHwong12/collision-details) to test the layout for the full-detail report page with **rmarkdown** and **knitr**.
The link below is th…
We need a default list of options (`options()`), R chunk options (`opts_chunk$set()`). Currently we have:
opts_chunk$set(tidy = TRUE, cache = FALSE, messages = TRUE, warning = TRUE, echo = FAL…
wfulp updated
5 years ago
Hello professor @castower,
I'm getting this error when knitting, although no errors when running the chunk in the .RMD file
**Results when knitting:**
Submitting Author Name: Weicheng Sun
Submitting Author Github Handle: @WeichengSun
Other Package Authors Github handles: (comma separated, delete if none)
Repository: https://github.com/Weich…
Update the following URL to point to the GitHub repository of
the package you wish to submit to _Bioconductor_
- Repository: https://github.com/tatami-inc/beachmat.tiledb
Confirm the following …
Good job, 10/10
Just note that if you set global chunk options at the top of the document, you don't have to specify those options again in each chunk unless you want to change for a particular chunk…
Every function should have a test. I'm starting to work on this but its gonna be a big job.
| test? | function name | function description |
| n | auth_from_secret() | Use …
based on the latest results: https://github.com/insightsengineering/tlg-catalog/actions/runs/11930102711
- [x] stable: `tables/lab-results/lbt07.qmd`
20/29 [teal]
Is it possible to not display the Total column/row of a two way table with `sjt.xtab`? I couldn't find an option for this. Sometimes its useful to not have the margins. Thanks.