If i go into Kodi media center and go in any menu while the host is on the same net(my pc isn't on the www) the client gets butted from the session and the novnc terminal gives this back
Socket conne…
Hi, I'm trying to get shairport-sync working on my Raspberry Pi 3 running OSMC (based on Debian Jessie - www.osmc.tv). Fantastic package by the way - it's just what I am looking for and I can't wait t…
The screensaver continues playing the file which keeps the screen from entering power saving mode. Using v17 RC3 with https://github.com/enen92/screensaver.atv4/commit/2687e37c7751f1bbb6b29c03de37077…
have Specto version 2016.02.06.1 running on my Android box using Helix 14.2 iv'e just got an update for specto version 2016.02.15.1 it will not update as it is saying Add-on is incompatibleor has bee…
Remember to follow the [pre bug report](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/blob/master/doc/reporting_bugs/pre_bug_report.md) guide beforehand. Failure to do so might get your issue closed.
ghost updated
7 years ago
Disconnecting from the VPN server solves the problem.
In unregelmäßigen Abständen startet das Video einfach nicht. Wie viele Zeilen Log brauchst du zur Analyse? Hab mal 50 raus gelassen: [http://pastebin.com/BNJTyZKG](http://pastebin.com/BNJTyZKG)
Please integrate the Ubuntu Touch 'Share this video' function with Kodimote for Ubuntu Touch. While on a YouTube page I would like to be able to press the YouTube video Share button and send the video…
Is it possible to have an icon for Kodi?
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Kodi Media Center
GenericName=Media Center
Comment=Manage and view your media
@scribblemaniac hey for the main kodi entry https://github.com/dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps/commit/07f6376bf66f0d5df737d26e341c5f7a2a0c8e0d
isn't that software you run on a computer?