I appreciate `test-runner`'s lean-ness and simplicity which can lead to solutions that can be well understood and maintained.
This IMO contrasts with`lein test`. Its `test.clj` backing names…
*Use the template below when reporting bugs. Please, make sure that
you're running the latest stable CIDER and that the problem you're reporting
hasn't been reported (and potentially fixed) already.…
I was attempting to capture a per-test start and end time, so that I could refer to them during reporting. More broadly, I was attempting to augment the normal failure report with any (postgres) log …
Hey @benedekfazekas :wave:
* new project, `project.clj`:
(defproject repro ""
:dependencies [^:inline-dep [tech.droit/clj-diff "1.0.1"] ; example lib compiled with Java >7…
We've recently received a successful payment that did not trigger a course enrollment.
This has not happened before - to date all payments/enrollments have worked fine.
Are there any logs I can in…
[From the Julia discourse](https://discourse.julialang.org/t/using-julia-from-the-jvm-clojure/51052/40):
From leinegen repl I’m using -
(require '[libjulia-clj.julia :as julia])
What I’ve d…
**Project description**
Oh My Fish provides core infrastructure to allow to install packages which extend or modify the look of fish shell. It's fast, extensible and easy to use.
Very similar to Oh-…
**Is your feature request related to a particular plugin or theme?**
No. This feature would be implemented in [`lib/cli.zsh`](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/blob/master/lib/cli.zsh) file.
## Expected behavior
when running cljr-update-project-dependencies cljr should ask to update dependencies.
## Actual behavior
cljr navigates to deps.edn it returns a message saying cider is not…
Hi there, thanks for the great work on this plugin! Last night I tried installing it and learning the basics and it's very nice so far.
I've set up auto connection using the example ftplugin provid…