Currently, when we use the Morphic world the default playground and inspector tools are the Pharo tools. We want to use by default our Playground and Inspector.
Whenever necessary, there options t…
I tried to use this library to analyze a copy of the popular classnames library - I think this is classnames 2.2.6
// classnames.js
Copyright (c) 2017 Jed Watson.
Licensed under the…
This led to a bug in my project since it was computing a list index using mouse x and y and it worked fine unless in an iframe.
I found a descriptive book in an abandoned study in the overworld. The last time I found one of these, it worked fine (although the world was absurdly unstable). This time, if I try to go to the age, …
**Describe the request**
On large images, the time to open on the source code contextual menu is quite slow (> 3 seconds) which is quite an issue.
**Expected behavior**
Half a second should be ni…
Classes like
- GLMCustomCell
- GLMCustomColumn
- GLMCustomRow
should have a class comment.
Also the superclass GLMCustomCell should provide #isAbstract implementation as
it i…
I would like to be able to make my ADT types opaque
[This technique](https://codemix.com/opaque-types-in-javascript) works but it is clunky
type Vehicle = ADTType & { _: Vehicle }
It is really great the from the Morphic World we can open many gt elements like Code and the playground or another GT World. Woow!!
That allow to take advantage of multiple monitors more easily.
Hi, I've been trying to animate things with Morphic and have noticed that at higher framerates, inconsistencies start to appear.
A simple example:
Morph subclass: #MovingMorph
Reproduce as follows.
`GtClassCoderHeaderElementExamples new coderHeaderElementForClass`
It should open on the "Live" tab. Click away to the "Raw" tab and back again. The view is broken.