In Karaf 4.1.4, I wrapped the neo4j-ogm (a java mapper to neo4j ) which uses fastclasspathscanner to scan some annotated package into a OSGI bundle.
These packages (neo4j-ogm, fastclasspathscaner a…
**[Kong TO](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=newlight77)** opened **[DATAGRAPH-1083](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAGRAPH-1083?redirect=false)** and commented
I've been struggli…
The following error occurred when I compiled the source code(branch:master):
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:testCompile (default-testCompile)…
thanks for this awesome workshop. I am trying to run the spring command in lab 4 `spring cloud kafka configserver eureka hystrixdashboard` I am getting the following error:
buddy@Buddy …
## Expected Behavior
Section 3.4.2. of the OGM Manual says
> The simplest kind of relationship is a single object reference pointing to another entity (1:1). In this case, the reference does not h…
our neo4j version is 3.2.1.
Sometimes relationships cannot be added to nodes with a certain label, when others are not, but the exists relationships attached to those nodes can be deleted.
And …
This is a summary of #476, #477 and further analysis.
## Problem description
If OGMs session methods are used without any explicit transaction around the unit of work, it will come to some unexp…
Is there any plan to support neo4j 3.x?
I didn't see and breaking changes in the APIexcept the `bolt` thingy.. Is there even something to change in this library?
I'm writing application with Neo4j-OGM 3.1.0 and using Embedded Driver.
My code tested on bolt driver and working fine
Here is my dependencies in `pom.xml`
It's obvious that you are still working on this project @technige, but it's kind of disappointing that are not many responses to the open issues. Perhaps many of the issues can be closed as simple mis…