Is there any plan to add more multi-label classifiers other than [OneVsRestClassifier](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier.html#sklearn.multicla…
I've just cloned your repo, downloaded the nltk tokenizer dataset and just tried to train the model using the default config. And that's what I've got after training it for 3 hours on CPU
I have read the code in detail, and I got some questions about some corner cases, I hope you guys could help me. Thanks!
- at 841 - 846 line, `linkLists_[cur_c] = (char *) malloc(size_links_per_eleme…
Hi, I am reading your excellent code, but find no beam search during caption generation as the source code in https://github.com/kelvinxu/arctic-captions, is there any reason ?
In this example, I had already loaded a 10, 2.5, 1.25 on each side (in that order).
To ad…
great material thanks
only may you share what book you used for First-Difference Estimator
also for a…
After running `python -m sockeye.translate --config small_model/args.yaml --input sentence_parallel_files/src_test.txt --output sentence_parallel_files/tgt_test.txt --models small_model --strip-unknow…
## 0. 論文
Xiaodong Gu, Hongyu Zhang, Sunghun Kim
## 1. どんなもの?
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**Human errors with documentation:**
Reading first paragraph, it says "**propagates**" and I had to google the word "propagates" (even though I've taken several courses on artificial intelligence, ne…