Is it possible to convert from a satellite beacon wrongly recorded in FM mode to Phase modulation knowing the baud rate ?
Sorry if this is not the place to ask such a basic question.
f6bvp updated
4 years ago
Hi Brandon,
I currently work with satellites and use the find_events method in sgp4lib to show upcoming rises.
In some cases I get in line 192 division by zero because orbits_per_day is zero. Stil…
Baumkataster has Nutzungsbedingungen: Für die Nutzung der Daten ist die Datenlizenz Deutschland - Namensnennung - Version 2.0 anzuwenden. Die Lizenz ist über https://www.govdata.de/dl-de/by-2-0 abrufb…
Thanks for making this great tool available open source.
**Description of the problem**
I have prepared my first ISCE Sentinel stack using topsStack.py and I am trying to run MintPy for the firs…
I couldn't figure out from the docs how to add the map types and bing maps widgets for the different terrain types to the cesium tool bar. Could you clarify?
![screenshot from 2017-11-07 15-…
Suggested in view and followMe modes
See http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1557461&postcount=705
(from distilbart issue).
Hey @sshleifer , thanks for the distilled BART version I was able to fine tune it with the same script on BillSum dataset as T5 but the numbers are way different between th…
Working with the latest 5.4.0 SNAPSHOT.
Trying to open (enhanced) a WCDAS GOES-16 dataset which has global metadata claiming to follow the CF-1.6 convention. But NJ throws an exception because a co…
After making the change in the readme to resolve the config load error, I now get a different one..
Starting Auto137
[tkloczko@barrel proj-8.0.0]$ /usr/bin/make -O -j48 V=1 VERBOSE=1 check
Making check in include
Making check in proj
Making check in internal
Making check in nlohmann
make[4]: Nothing to be …