**What steps did you take and what happened:**
We used the [openshift/gatekeeper config](https://github.com/openshift/gatekeeper/blob/master/deploy/gatekeeper.yaml) as our base.
After this we appl…
- Install Rancher HA k8s
- Check Local cluster is active
- Go to Dashboard -> Apps -> Charts
- Install `rancher-gatekeeper`
- `rancher-gatekeeper:v3.1.0-beta.11` gets installed.
Go to OPA gatek…
izaac updated
3 years ago
**What kind of request is this (question/bug/enhancement/feature request):**
**Steps to reproduce (least amount of steps as possible):**
From dashboard -> Install OPA Gatekeeper
Create …
The unique ingress rule breaks cert-manager, it tries to create a new ingress with a different path that would not be a problem, but is rejected nonetheless because it is an "ingress with the same hos…
Getting error in gatekeeper controller pod
`{"level":"error","ts":1610114263.994453,"logger":"controller","msg":"could not update resource","metaKind":"upgrade","name":"psp-privileged-container","nam…
What kind of request is this:
Create cluster, navigate to dashboard
Apps -> Charts -> rancher-gatekeeper Install
After gatekeeper is deployed, refresh the page
Under global dropdown…
**What kind of request is this (question/bug/enhancement/feature request):**
**Steps to reproduce (least amount of steps as possible):**
From dashboard -> install OPA
Create a constraint fro…
It looks like releasing the v0.23.0 docker image got missed when the latest release was done: https://hub.docker.com/r/openpolicyagent/conftest/tags
Update the OPA chart to the latest stable: https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper/releases
Make it not experimental anymore
Go to the Dashboard in the local cluster
Apps -> Charts -> rancher-gatekeeper Install.
Under OPA Gatekeeper -> Constraints -> Create from YAML
Enter name and YAML.
apiVersion: constraint…