## Long story short
This is maybe an obvious comment:
Once I do a reload of my website, it always brings me back to the entry/login site. Without warning me or anything. If possible, this could be m…
a pytest plugin that adds common fixtures specific to osparc-simcore platform
e.g. devel_environ, services_docker_compose (see web/server/tests/integration-*/conftest.py
This can be installed in de…
front-end testing fails in master build. The originating PR does not have any changes in web-client and the test does not find qx built code in ``web/client/build-output``
Kember, Clancy, Bornstein, Ward and Arya as use case to deduce workflows on how to integrate 3rd party services. CI/CD that gets these services into the framework
This should serve as a base to under…
- tested in http://osparc01.itis.ethz.ch:9081/
Need means to start reliably and fast a new service for simcore framework.
Create a coockiecutter for simcore's pyservices. Template for python service projects in simcore. Should include:
- [x] bas…
- Download from blackfynn (see dataset in @maiz email)
- jupyter notebooks
Focus: Unify services APIs paths and models (both architecture and development tools)
- [x] authentication api (specs only) (required by #200)
- [x] Health-check api + handler (logic), returns whethe…
- [x] ~document workflow in osparc-simcore/docs~ since not final
- [x] discuss workflow and possible automations
- pdf slides of draft discussed and presented to C.Clancy in _sparc-internal/doc re…