Please consider implementing keyvault support in the PHP SDK
# 自行部署 Wafer 的一点心得
> 最近以官方的demo为例配置部署wafer,实现了小程序的授权登陆、获取用户信息以及小程序websocket聊天室功能。这个过程中踩了几个小坑,特分享出来,让大家少碰壁。自行部署前最好是要弄明白wafer的业务流程,需要准备相应的服务器环境、所需的代码,以及清楚明白你需要配置什么。
## 一、准备工作
- 服务器:服务器环境cent…
OSS和MNS两个写的乱七八糟的,MNS那个自从上周出了事故后,天天报错。还没有反馈入口(MNS那个一天报几百上千条 cURL error 28:Connection t…
## Feedback after uploading this version of the Plugin:
1. No bootstrapping file found. Expecting bootstrapping in IvyGmSW5Payment/IvyGmSW5Payment.php
2. Detected a vcs repository inside plugin …
Добрый день!
В инструкции написано что необходимо скачать архив и сохранить в `sites/all/modules`, по правилам хорошего тона и для тех кто работает с drupal через composer правильно будет сохранять…
### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Many of our workflows process a decent amount of activity data and conclude with a short final status. We like the retention wind…
I scanned a composer.json file and got some unexpected output. The resolved version by VersionEye did not always match my expectations. Examples:
- "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^5.0@stable" -> resolved: 6…
Instead of requiring an explicit access key and secret key, add support for IAM instance profiles via the EC2 metadata service to allow dynamically getting temporary credentials as needed.
### ⚠️ This issue respects the following points: ⚠️
- [X] This is a **bug**, not a question or a configuration/webserver/proxy issue.
- [X] This issue is **not** already reported on [Github](https://…
Thank you for this package! I'm using it in conjunction with Laravel Vapor.
I'm receiving the following error intermittently, multiple times per day: