Hi. I ran into an issue using PyPy 7.3.1 on Ubuntu 18 when trying to get [Pony ORM](https://ponyorm.org/) working. In summary, installing PyPy using `apt` works fine, while using PyPy installed with `…
I've had a brief chat with @yuvipanda, and we'd like to move the ` jupyter-desktop-server` repo into the jupyterhub org (though it could plausibly go to a different jupyter* org since it's not strictl…
##### Steps to replicate
# install anaconda from https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda3-4.3.0-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg:
bash Anaconda3-4.3.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
conda create test python pip
### Before posting
Please follow the steps below and check the boxes with [x] once you did the step.
- [x] I checked the issue tracker for similar issues. #4444 might be related, but that one i…
As discussed in this thread, it turns out to be pretty simple to get WebDAV up and running:
@FND has hacked together a working …
Currently documentation generation won't work for libraries like [glob](https://github.com/ponylang/glob) that rely on other libraries. This issue is because currently it is assumed that all external …
This really sucks: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/41909
Right now it's still pending on the VS Code side, but we don't have the ability to rename unsaved document tabs. A feature was a…
# Event Submission
## Requirements
- Event Name: The Party Ponies Open Source Convention
- Link to the Event Website: party-ponies-osc.com
## Speaker Demographics
- [x] This event commits…
I tried out current portable a few days ago on CentOS 8, building it the exact same way that my 6.6.4p1 was built previously.
I'm running into weird log entries in /var/log/maillog:
May 2 …
I've been carrying this idea with me for a bit, but it's in a very early stage.
Would love to hear thoughts and doubts on this.
### What if someone started a charity for OSS developers?
> If you are …