include无效,看了代码,1.1.1 tag的代码和master的代码不一样,1.1.1 1.1.0代码里面都没有include字符串
After the update I get the error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'E:\OpenServer\domains\html\gulp-front\source\static\styles\main.css'
at Error (native)
Error: ENOENT: n…
zoxon updated
7 years ago
## Version **1.5.0** of [broccoli-postcss-single](https://github.com/jeffjewiss/broccoli-postcss-single) was just published.
Build failing 🚨
I'm having an issue with relative paths. In a SCSS partial i'm declaring a background-image as `url(../img/bg.jpg)`, however the plugin searches for this file at the root of the project (`/Use…
### Description
Was[ proposed](https://github.com/web-platform-tests/interop/issues/465) last year too by @jsnkuhn
> > The image() function allows an author to:
> > * use [media fragments](ht…
I noticed that `postcss_multi_binary()` does not seem to have an `additional_outputs` parameter like [`postcss_binary()` does](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_postcss/blob/a5cd1e37233333a07769299f…
Really useful package, has vastly improved performance on our websites with a little PHP magic ❤
I am running into an issue where the output files for the media queries increase in size ev…
### Environment
- Operating System: `Darwin`
- Node Version: `v18.18.2`
- Nuxt Version: `3.8.2`
- CLI Version: `3.10.0`
- Nitro Version: `2.8.0`
- Package Manager: `pnpm@8.7.1…
I would like my original line endings style to be preserved by postcss when using stylefmt. I have a file using the CR+LF li…
does `rollup-plugin-postcss` works with rollups `experimentalCodeSplitting` option ?
I need to use multiple inputs what seems to work in general for `.js` content, but it looks that `postcss` …