**Description of the problem**
**Full code that generated the error**
import pygmt
fig = pygmt.Figure()
fig.basemap(region=[0, 10, 0, 10], projection="X10c/10c", frame=True)
To support choosing a projection especially for new users it would be helpful to add some explanatory text to the projection gallery plots about a particular projection. This has been started in #318.…
For function parameters like `frame`, `region`, we're inconsistently calling them "parameters", "arguments", or "options".
I thought the correct way is calling `frame` an "argument", but after rea…
**Description of the problem**
Searching for "PyGMT" in Google Scholar shows that there are already some papers citing/mentioning/acknowledging PyGMT. Here are the searching results: https://schola…
**Description of the desired feature**
The user documentation contains a [gallery of projections available](https://www.pygmt.org/dev/projections/index.html). The plots showcase the projection so i…
**Description of the problem**
I find the description for **-I** argument of `gmt info` may be a little misleading for new GMT users (originally posted at https://github.com/GenericMappingT…
**Description of the problem**
**Full code that generated the error**
region=[77, 79, 29.5, 30.5]
# region=[73, 82, 25, 36]
fig= pygmt.Figure()
**Description of the problem**
It seems PyGMT can't correctly find GMT for Python 3.6 + Windows. The error messages are:
pygmt.exceptions.GMTCLibNotFoundError: Error loading the GMT shared li…
**Description of the desired feature**
We recently migrated all the CI testings and style checks from Azure Pipelines to GitHub Actions. Currently, we're using both GitHub Actions and Travis CI.
Have one no-arch build instead of specific builds for different OSes (Linux/macOS/Windows) and Python versions (3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9). See https://github.com/GenericMappingTools/pygmt/issues…