Hi, I am building a semantic search application and I want to deploy (put into production) my fine-tuned domain-adapted SBERT model. Any idea/recommendations for doing that?
I have a few questions related to the ESIM model for NLI:
1) The ESIM paper says all vectors are updated during training including word vectors. Do the pretrained word embeddings from Glove als…
When I run train.trainer() .here are much mistake.Can you meet this problem?
Building model
Building f_log_probs... Done
Building f_cost... Done
Building sentence encoder
Building image encoder…
I trained embedding model on toy dataset as suggested on the repo
`torchrun --nproc_per_node 1 -m training.run --output_dir test_path --model_name_or_path openaccess-ai-collective/tiny-mistral --tr…
集成llama是否需要正确的openai_key? 没有提供正确的key时host_local_tools无法正常启动。在bmtools/tools/retriever.py document_embedding = self.embed.embed_documents([document]) 时 会调用langchain 的 embeddings 里的openai.py里面的embedding方…
I encountered an issue when attempting to trace a CrossEncoder model using torch.jit.trace. The error occurs during the tracing process when calling the forward method. Below is a minimal reproducible…
@ck37 @jergason @rravu3 @sebg @mbrookes
I have the problem. How can I solve it?
UserWarning: Gradient of Parameter multimodel0_embedding0_weight on context cpu(0) has not been updated by backward…
Tried to use a ColBERT model trained using [Pylate](https://github.com/lightonai/pylate) since it was built on top of Sentence Transformers. The model loaded (`SetFitModel.from_pretrained`) but failed…
In the llm-rag-chatbot demo, since the pay-per-token foundation models are not available in my region, I had to create my own embedding endpoint. With some minor code changes i was able to save the ch…
I was trying the following [example ](https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers/blob/master/examples/applications/basic_embedding.py) but I get the following error with `transformers version =3.…