Which object has "category" as an attribute? Here is a simple script to get all albums by the Talking Heads. Yet for each album object, I can't view the actual genre/categories of the album.
Hi! Is it or will it be possible (in near future) to control raspotify using lirc? Ex such functions as skipping tracks, start, play would be much appreciated!
Thanks :)
The current help message which is displayed when the environment variables containing **SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID** and **SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET** are not present contains only the ways to add the env variabl…
Hey @JayChen35, I'm still experiencing the issue. Any thoughts as to why?
Playlist URI (excluding "spotify:playlist:"): 6PECGhMPyi4ZsGr8QmqOVE
Hello! I was thinking to check out this project but I don't see any activity in the last 2 years... is abandoned ?
### The problem
Spotify entity is unavailable and cannot be repaired by restarting at any level. Core logs show `[spotipy.client] Max Retries reached` every ~30 seconds. The Spotify application devel…
I was working on a project a few days back that required me to scrap the songs data from Spotify. For this i used Spotipy library and i would like to add that script to this repository. Please let me…
I've been unable to resolve this through Googling and I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable can point out what I need to do to resolve this:
> spotipy.exceptions.SpotifyException: http status: 403,…
Exception ignored in:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/spotipy/client.py", line 188, in __del__
TypeError: isinstance() arg 2 must be a type o…
omijn updated
3 years ago