### UnoCSS version
### Describe the bug
目前在content - pipeline - include 中配置了路径,但是依然会报错…
Mrcxt updated
5 months ago
## Overview
As more features are added the old vanilla.js-based implementation has become difficult to maintain. We are going to rewrite the playground and eat our own dog food 🐶.
Previous play…
### Clear and concise description of the problem
我希望能用unocss的样式来修改我UI组件库(例如:element plus,antd这些)的样式,然而UI组件库采用**按需引入**后,Unocss的样式则永远在组件库样式的前面,从而无法实现样式的覆盖。有没有什么方法可以实现我的需求?
### Suggested solution
### Astro Info
Astro v4.0.8
Node v19.3.0
System Linux (x64)
Package Manager npm
Output static
When using the **"@nuxtjs/sitemap"**, **"@nuxtjs/i18n"**, and **"preset: 'cloudflare-pages'"** configurations together, running 'pnpm build' results in an error.
✓ built in 2.41s …
### Clear and concise description of the problem
When I want to verify a problem with a version of unocss in my project, I can't reproduce it on playground (because it's always the latest version), s…
I'm struggling to get formkit-primevue to work on my Nuxt project. PrimeVue is on unstyled mode, as I'm using my custom preset/theme and Tailwind css integration (they recommend using unstyled mode in…
### Discussed in https://github.com/vbenjs/vue-vben-admin/discussions/2963
Originally posted by **owl-lei** August 14, 2023
@media (max-width: @screen-xl) {
### UnoCSS version
### Describe the bug
When I use preset-mini's cdn resource, a new cdn resource (shared) is loaded.
I wonder if this can be packaged into a file
### Reproductio…
### Clear and concise description of the problem
Pretty often I find myself writing
if (foo) {
void 0
to avoid ESLint collapsing that to
if (foo)