你好,unsky。我在做小目标检测的实验,之前用你的旧代码(VGG16模型)召回率可以达到90%左右,用新的代码(RESNET50 sharedrcnn)召回率只有70%左右。尝试改了scales为[4,8]和FPN/lib/fast_rcnn/config.py里的一些参数,但是效果都不理想,能不能给一些建议,谢谢!
@XingangPan Could you tell me what's the source of weights in vgg.t7? The net of part (44) as follows is not the same as the basic vgg16, so I wonder if these weights are obtained from pretraining or…
Hi I have been trying to reproduce the results by training an ANN from scratch with the same network model of VGG16 as described in your code. Then I tried to use the main.py to convert my saved model…
Hi Eder,
Thanks for the Keras implementation! I'm excited about this idea as well. (Hopefully) quick question: I'm interested in learning an autoencoder for the output features of some other CNN …
import keras
import openml
import openml_keras
from keras.layers import GlobalAveragePooling2D, Conv2D, BatchNormalization, Dense, MaxPooling2D, Dropout, Flatten, Reshape
from ker…
While we handle most of the dependency installation automatically via the install script ( https://github.com/verivital/nnv/blob/master/nnv/install.m ), we need to make it clear what other dependenci…
I have tried convert_vgg.py and make a test,found that the result of keras model is different with the result of caffemodel, can you tell me why?
How to solve this problem?
I followed the process of setup, downloaded checkpoints for vgg16.pth, latest.pth for global attr.
Anytime I run the demo I get the same output no matter the image.
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