I installed Vim 8.0 on Windows 10 but can't get vundle to install the plugins listed in .vimrc, each time I run :PluginInstall I get this error:
C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or…
sryze updated
3 years ago
This is more of a report than a question. I just want to share with others that may be looking for how to solve the same problem.
I've succeeded to install vim-plug globally to all my server users,…
Neovim provides a lua function [`vim.ui.select()`](https://neovim.io/doc/user/lua.html#vim.ui.select()) that can be used by plugins to ask the user to select one of several entries. Other plugins can…
How does one use this with lazyvim instead of packer?
python-language-server's README goes as follows:
> The default configuration source is pycodestyle. Change the pyls.configurationSources setting to ['flake8'] in order to respect flake8 configurat…
Bullets adds
au Filetype markdown,text,gitcommit,etc nnoremap ... `
autocommands for all its configured mappings. If `g:bullets_enable_in_empty_buffers` is set, then it also adds
If you open cmdwin (default `q:` or `:`) from inside the mundo window, you get a screen full of errors.
# Minimal vimrc
" Invoke with:
" vim -Nu ~/.vim/reprovimrc.vim -U NONE
" all p…
- Neovim
Vim plugins on github can get easy, free continuous integration running vroom in Travis CI.
Once we settle some of the details in our Travis CI configuration and get neovim mode working (#64), we sho…