Blocked on:
* https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index/issues/12
* https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-sqlite-features-index/issues/6
While setting up a [pelias](https://github.com/pelias/pelias) instance for Switzerland, I noticed something peculiar. When looking up addresses close to _Lake Geneva_ (locally called _Lac Léman_…
I noticed that the South African provincial boundaries are outdated, dating back to before the constitutional amendment in 2005.
make tools
go build -mod vendor -o bin/wof-sqlite-index-features cmd/wof-sqlite-index-features/main.go
build command-line-arguments: cannot load github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-sqlite…
I'm getting a `500 Internal Server Error` when trying to propose changes to GitHub. I can repro this 100% of the time, steps to repro:
1. Login to the write-field editor
2. Load record by id: 120…
As in a `go-whosonfirst-readwrite/writer`:
func write_feature(body []byte, wr writer.Writer) (string, error) {
rsp := gjson.GetBytes(body, "properties.wof:id")
if !rsp.Ex…
There is a typo in [Holbaek, Denmark](https://spelunker.whosonfirst.org/id/1159297717/).
It's _Holbaek/Holbæk_, not _Holaek_. See e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holb%C3%A6k_Municipality.
PR …
@mxlje would it be helpful for me to better define the JSON response format schema(s)?
### Geocoding results
I found someone else has already defined the envelope format for GeoJSON:
The `localadmin` features on Marthas Vineyard should be reclassified as `locality` features. We are also missing neighbourhood features (ex: Katama).
- [x] https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-pip
- [x] https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-tile38
- [ ] https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-api
- [ ] https://github.com/w…