@Piedone created:
Currently there is no permission for Media, so anybody can manage media having permission for accessing the admin panel.
@agriffard created:
To be able to distinguish summary and summaryadmin, for MediaPickerField for example.
see http://orchard.codeplex.com/discussions/39591…
Character manifest cannot be downloaded on Genshin 4.4 from any scanner screen (Characters, Artifacts, nor Weapons). Other two manifests seem to be downloading appropriately.
_By_ _**Marcos Senatori**_ _**(msenatori - msenator@ar.ibm.com)**_ _on_ **2016-08-26 14:55:45.401**
Yo como maestro pokemon, quiero atrapar a todos los pokemons de agua para fortalecer mi equipo.
**igeek** created:
It would be good to see cutting tag, that divide full news and short news
some text
more text
Could you please point to any sample to retrieve WorkItems and WorkItemsLinks?
The Sample usage of the converter in this page has the serializeOptions setting Converters. I'm getting Converters is read only from VS 2022 v17.5.1.
var serializeOptions = new JsonSerializerOp…
@Piedone created:
Currently if the App Pool is being shut down (because e.g. recycling) Orchard doesn't know about it and services can't take necessary act…
Hi. I am usin latest release from here.
I need to multiply two fields in a request workitem
so i put it into aggregationitems.xml:
< AggregatorItem name="score_mult" operationType="Numeric" operation…
**rpaquay** created:
Investigate if keeping a global connection open (and unused) to the SQLCE database file makes opening connections faster when processi…