Please implement (add) a Search Suggestions (as NewPipe) and also "Trending" (US) as a tab, or just replace the "Most Popular" and "Featured" with it as they don't work\show content for me anyway (I g…
Tested on three devices.
On two devices I can repeatedly reproduce the bug.
On the third the bug doesn't appear.
(see below for details)
## Steps to reproduce
Install 2019-09-28 nightly from …
- [ x] I have searched open and closed issues for duplicates
- [x ] I am submitting a bug report for existing functionality that does not work as intended
- [x ] I have read https://github.com/s…
Hi everyone!
Note: I ran on Mac OS
I have some questions:
1. File Analysis.log is resuilt from Android Dynamic Analysis?
2. I analyzed a file apk,but no file Analysis.log and Android Dynamic An…
Hey, bro, I saw you updated this project 3 hours ago, while I was trying to get the sensor data as you had done.
I am a green finger, that's why I have failed so many times and turn to Github for hel…
hey @johanw666, thank you for your Signal-JW fork!
As you know Signal does not store its data in internal storage but for security in `/data/data/org.thoughtcrime.securesms/`. The problem with that…
1. 系统版本
Android 12
2. Thanox版本,补丁方式(xposed还是magisk?)
Thanox Pro Play Store version: 4.0.5-row
LSPosed 激活
3. 问题现象的详细描述,有图或者视频更好
就只是在 LSPosed 界面勾选了 android, 重启激活之后主界面就显示 Error
- Screenshot
i'm new to Kotlin but i know how to work with java and xposed module, can you show me for example how to make [this last code in kotlin](https://github.com/rovo89/XposedBridge/wiki/Development-tutoria…
It would be very nice if Osmand could be used inside "Android Auto" application instead of Google Maps.
Or, at least, that "ok google" could be used during Osmand navigation, to call someone via blue…