App using that feature is blocked, and [MagiskDetector](https://github.com/vvb2060/MagiskDetector) is not running properly (some lines not shows) but still detecting some of Magisk thing.
When I open the system app after installing it through Magisk.... All I get is a grey screen without any options.
Please implement (add) a Search Suggestions (as NewPipe) and also "Trending" (US) as a tab, or just replace the "Most Popular" and "Featured" with it as they don't work\show content for me anyway (I g…
Tested on three devices.
On two devices I can repeatedly reproduce the bug.
On the third the bug doesn't appear.
(see below for details)
## Steps to reproduce
Install 2019-09-28 nightly from …
- [ x] I have searched open and closed issues for duplicates
- [x ] I am submitting a bug report for existing functionality that does not work as intended
- [x ] I have read https://github.com/s…
Hi everyone!
Note: I ran on Mac OS
I have some questions:
1. File Analysis.log is resuilt from Android Dynamic Analysis?
2. I analyzed a file apk,but no file Analysis.log and Android Dynamic An…
Hey, bro, I saw you updated this project 3 hours ago, while I was trying to get the sensor data as you had done.
I am a green finger, that's why I have failed so many times and turn to Github for hel…
1. 系统版本
Android 12
2. Thanox版本,补丁方式(xposed还是magisk?)
Thanox Pro Play Store version: 4.0.5-row
LSPosed 激活
3. 问题现象的详细描述,有图或者视频更好
就只是在 LSPosed 界面勾选了 android, 重启激活之后主界面就显示 Error
- Screenshot
hey @johanw666, thank you for your Signal-JW fork!
As you know Signal does not store its data in internal storage but for security in `/data/data/org.thoughtcrime.securesms/`. The problem with that…