我先前使用docker在Ubuntu18.04轉了一個自行訓練的yolov4模型 ,但我在onnx轉到TNN時遇到了以下問題,但是我不太清楚是什麼問題,請問有人能解惑嗎,感謝
'---------- convert m…
**Describe the feature**
Add Cross-Iteration Batch Normalization in: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.05712
And Accumulate Gradient for training: https://github.com/WongKinYiu/ScaledYOLOv4/blob/yolov4-l…
Hello. I am not an expert in deep learning and seeking for an help. I am trying to customize YOLOv4 with two pathologic lesions on dental panoramic radiographs. Class 1 has total of 455 images (384 tr…
Hi, I am trying to use your method to use in yolov4. but every time I am getting runtime error in training such as sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 2. Can you help me with understanding…
I check your base model and Darknet yolov4-tiny on COCO. The mAP@.5 of your model is much lower than that of the Darknet model (~10%). Have you tried comparing them? And what is the configuration for …
When testing mobilenet-yolov4, a negative number of gflops is displayed
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'E:\\YOLO\\yolov4浠g爜\\yolov4-pytorch-master\\VOCdevkit/VOC2007/JPEGImages/2008_006288.jpg'
Hi @Tianxiaomo
Thank you for the code. I would like to consult a question.
As far as I know, yolov4 still uses the anchor-based object-detection approach like yolov3. I have looked through the [tra…
I want to use this OCR in Android.
I considered this TF-lite github(this is yolov4, actually...