I run the comment "curl -L -o bg-features-install.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BGmot/zabbix/6.4.7-bg/bg-scripts/bg-features-install.sh" on my Zabbix UI server and Zabbix DB server as I use sep…
### Summary
We always try to create a new audit log file on Mondays at midnight and then keep it for a maximum of 367 days. With the cli this is possible and the result looks like this:
fs8506::> vs…
Hi, the document gives a very good overview of plugin management for Azure Managed Grafana. However, it lacks a list of the available plugins, without the need to set up the resource. Does there exi…
Hi all.
I'm updated my server from Debian 9.13 to Debian 11, from zulip 2.1.2 to 4.11 and stuck on upgrade to 5.2. Can you help me ?
Server configuration
Debian 11
zulip 4.11
- Bug Report
AWX inventory source can't handle Vault encrypted secrets for the simple ini-like inventory ("Sourced from the pro…
### Describe the issue you are experiencing
Seems to be Conbee 3 is not supported by addon. I suppose that adding of the environment variable DECONZ_BAUDRATE solves this problem.
### What type of i…
I can manually create the template using the UI but not with Ansible. The variables in my playbook work for all other tasks.
TASK [hammer : Hammer | Create secure partition ta…
# Remove Mike from UGRC accounts
- **Name**: Mike Heagin
Mike is retiring on December 29, 2023 so we'll need to remove him from all the appropriate places and locations.
## Action items
## Benefit Hypothesis
UGRC Windows Servers need to be upgraded from 2012 to 2022 to meet DTS standards and requirements.
## Acceptance Criteria
The following machines will be rebuilt withi…
Rancher already supports GitHub as an auth provider. Supporting standard [OpenID Connect](https://openid.net/connect/) providers, like [Keycloak](http://www.keycloak.org/) or [GitLab](https://gitlab.c…