Socrata uses [$q](https://dev.socrata.com/docs/queries/q.html). Geoservices [documentation](http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/arcgis-rest-api/index.html#/Query_Map_Service_Layer/02r3000000p1000000/)…
### 屏幕滑动
swiper: http://www.idangero.us/sliders/swiper/index.php
## Issue Description
In order to create Synthetic Tests for the upstream services vets-api consumes, we need a list of endpoints that vets-api hits.
## Tasks
- [ ] Create list of upstream externa…
För att kunna samla ihop alla Sveriges utegym behövs öppna data - på Wikipedia kör vi 2 enkla projekt där vi hoppas kommunerna har öppna data
* Utegym > 1270 utegym ihopsamlade se [Wikidata:WikiPro…
``` json
"preferred_name": "Abhinov",
"csulb_email": "abhinovabhilekh.dutta01@student.csulb.edu",
"pronouns": "he/him/his",
"previous_gis_experience": "Worked for four yea…
are there plans to support geoserver out of the box as a data source?
## User story
ETQ utilisateur d'un progiciel GIS propriétaire, je dispose d'une API standard et bien outillée pour réutiliser les données fournies à ce progiciel
* Exemple : ETQ responsable GIS …
Please describe your project, the problem you're solving, and why it's important. Keep it brief! Link to further reading if necessary.
I am often told by people that they have called 311 or reported s…
I have the following scenario: two protected services. Whenever I load the application, it asks for credentials (OK) twice (one for each protected service - OK, I suppose). The problem is that…
What should this feature enhancement do?
Make more layers available in the API version - especially things like
real-time weather, volcanoes/earthquakes, some of the United Nations layers.
Are t…