When trying to generate a new token. There is a JWTException
=> Could not create token: Could not read key resource: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line
This is my key config
I installed the GPG key and repo file from the main page here:
When attempting to search/install I get
unitedrpms 34 - x86_64 …
It would be helpful if `DistinguishedName` (and perhaps its subcomponents?) could support initialization from [RFC 4514](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4514)–formatted strings.
I've tested this version of the states on a Ubuntu 14.04 VM yesterday and couldn't get the run of `update-ca-certificates` get triggered.
Either I broke it or it's a bug in Salt.
CC: @gracinet
I added a new set of root certificates and removed the old ones. Now they have readble names. We need to check if all common and needed root certificates are included and have to add missing ones.
xamor updated
9 years ago
Doc says this:
> To configure a SAN certificate for multiple domains list the base domain first and separate each additional subdomain with only a comma:
But when I do that, I get:
> …
Years ago(!) there already was a discussion on Casablanca supporting client certificates for mutual SSL connections. See here:
[client side certificates](https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-U…
File is missing
as written in https://github.com/tegonal/Lasius/blob/main/README.md
"Lasius' docker-compose.yml supports LetsEncrypt certificates out of the box, thanks to Traefik reverse proxy.…
### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I wasn't sure whether to open a separate request or tag on to #254 , but I'm using SSL client certificates to secure access to sel…
### Feature Request
Contribute support of SSH certificates to GPG-agent
This potentially requires upstream patch to SSH client and tsh as well: