Login successfully as 没有如果
Start auto replying.
[ERROR][2023-04-14 03:28:43][wechat_channel.py:154] - unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'type' and 'NoneType'
Traceback (most recent call last):
The API support bot suggests this issue can be resolved by implementing exponential backoff, can this be tried? I am trying to load a larger text file and it fails
GPT-API: Waiting... Traceb…
Hey everyone, I'm following along and I'm at 38:00 on the video but when I try to run the server I get this in the Terminal (see screenshot).
Can anyone advise what I can do to fix this? 🙏 Thanks!!…
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出现故障!如果这个问题持续出现,请和我说“重置会话” 来开启一段新的会话,或者发送 “回滚会话” 来…
1. **Motivation** -The current SBF Manager RESTfulChat handles messages in a synchronous manner. However, when dealing with multiple users, it is essential to handle incoming messages asynchronously t…
I can't get it to complete a book it just times out
尝试对接了下支持微信协议的oneBot机器人。chatgpt config.cfg设置如下
reverse_ws_host = ""
reverse_ws_port = 8566
对接的项目是:ComWeChatBotClient https://github.com/JustUndertaker/ComWeCha…
Is is possible to upload documents have the bot parse the documents like it does in chatgpt? Does a feature like that exists yet?
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